Carte Interactiveplaces in city, Polish vocabulary
Chemia 8 kl
Relier Colonneschemistry basic terms Polish
trawienie - fordøyelse
Carte InteractiveDigestive system in Polish and Norwegian
preposisjoner DO, NA
Relierprepositions with verbs of movement in Polish
iść czy chodzić 2
TestPolish verbs of motion
Mots Roulettedla Karoliny od pani Oli
Iść czy chodzić 1
Relier ColonnesPolish verbs of motion
Relier Colonnesreading comprehension young learners of Polish
BEZKRĘGOWCE virvelløse dyr
Memorypopular invertebrates in Polish and Norwegian
Polish and Norwegian animals
Relier Colonnesmatching pictures and names of animals
Owady pajęczaki
Testknowledge about insects and spiders, basic, Polish language
Owady pajęczaki Memo
Relier ColonnesMemory game Polish Norwegian insekter owady
W domu lekcja 42
TestPolish words for rooms and furniture
Ordonner les Lettresunscramble words for jobs in Polish
ZAWODY jobs yrker
Ordonner les Lettresnames of jobs in Polish
Relier Colonnesmatch
MemoryGeometriske figurer og navn
Olav den hellige
Relier ColonnesOlav den hellige, Norwegian saint
Skole, familie, tall, aktivit
Memoryfamily members in Norwegian
Verb og begreper
MemoryNorwegian verbs and expressions, basic level.
Aktiviteter i gym
Relier ColonnesNorwegian as a second language, activities on the school ground
Skole del 2
MemoryNorwegian as a foreign language, basic vocab related to school
Skole del 1
MemoryNorwegian as a foreign language, basic vocab related to school