Initial assessment in ocular emergencies
Relier ColonnesLearn vocabulary related to clinical test performed in the initial assessment of ocular emergencies
Carte Interactiveclassification of ocular imperfections of the eye as an optical system
Mots RouletteJuego de repaso del tema
Visual process (D)
Mots RouletteActivating pre-knowledge of the topic
Complete the paragraph with the correct word according to your ocular emergencies knowledge.
Initial assessment in ocular emergencies
Relier ColonnesLearn vocabulary related to clinical test performed in the initial assessment of ocular emergencies
Mots Mêlésvocabulary activity
Visual process
Mots RouletteActivating pre-knowledge of the topic
Radiación óptica
Froggy JumpsEvaluar conocimiento adquirido del tema
Effective power 8
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective power 7
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective power 6
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective power 5
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective power 4
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective power 3
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective Power 2
Ordonner les MotsGame to improve topic knowledge
Effective Power of lenses
Ordonner les MotsExplain the changes in dioptric power of lenses according to its distance to the eye
Refractive errors
RelierActivity with the purpose to organize the optic features of refractive errors
Optical radiation
Mots CroisésActivty to reinforce the topic knowledge
Mots RouletteJuego de repaso del tema
MemoryRepasar conceptos de queratometría
Memorymatch concepts and images about the topic
Optic Radiation12
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 11
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 10
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 9
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 8
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 7
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 6
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas que evalúan la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 5
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas para evaluar la comprensión del tema
Optic Radiation 4
Ordonner les LettresPreguntas para evaluar la comprensión del tema
Optica radiation 4
Ordonner les LettresPregunta que busca evaluar la comprensión del tema
Optic radiation2
Ordonner les Lettresquestions about optic radiation an its effects on the eye
optic radiation
Ordonner les Lettresordenar letras que formen palabras relacionadas con el tema
Agudeza Visual
MemoryRelacionar términos e imágenes del tema