Writing a definition 2
CompléterSelect the correct word to complete this definition.
Writing a definition 1
CompléterFill in the blanks to write this definition.
Definition 2
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to find the definition.
Definition 1
Ordonner les MotsDrag and drop the different parts of the sentence to form a definition.
What time is it? 3
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a sentence.
What time is it? 2
Ordonner les MotsPut the word in the correct order to form a sentence.
What time is it?
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a question.
Foods and meals
Mots CroisésUse the images and words to complete the crossword.
My favorite foods - 3
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a sentence.
My favorite foods
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a sentence or a question.
Our jobs continued
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a sentence.
Our jobs
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a sentence.
Job dictation
DictéeListen to the word. Write the job. There are eight jobs in this dictation.
Introductions 3
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to form a statement.
Introductions 2
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to make a sentence.
Instructions word search
Mots MêlésFind eight different instructions in this game.
Instruction crossword
Mots CroisésWrite the word from the image and recording clues.
Instruction map
Carte InteractiveType the word that corresponds to each image.
Family Members
Mots MêlésFind the final members hidden in this word search.
What is my job?
Mots CroisésLook at the picture clues to complete the crossword.
Comparative dictation 7-8
DictéeListen to the last two sentences of the dictation on comparative advantage.
Comparative dictation 4-6
DictéeListen to sentences 4-6 of the dictation on comparative advantage.
Comparative dictation 1-3
DictéeListen to the first three sentences in the dictation on comparative advantage.
These sentences come from the dictation on comparative advantage.
Family sentence scramble
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order to read this sentence on the family.
Family dictation
DictéeListen carefully to each word. Write each word on a new line.
Time dictation
DictéeListen to the recording. Write the words
Asking for the time. 1
Ordonner les MotsClick on the words to put them in the correct order. Practice asking questions related to the time.
Ordonner les LettresLook at the image. Put the words in the correct order. Spell the word.
Ordonner les LettresLook at the image. Put the letters in the correct order. Spell the word.
Ordonner les LettresLook at the image. Put the letter in the correct order. Spell the word.
Ordonner les LettresLook at the image. Put the letters in the correct position. Spell the word.
Ordonner les LettresHow do you spell ???? Put the letters in the correct order to spell the word in the image.
Jumbled instruction
Ordonner les MotsListen to the phrase. Put the words in the correct order.
Ordonner les LettresClick on the letter to spell the word you hear.
Ordonner les LettresClick on the letter to spell the word you hear.
Ordonner les LettresClick on the letter to spell the word you hear.
Ordonner les LettresPut the letters in the correct order to form a word.
DictéeWrite the word you hear.
CompléterWhat you say after meeting someone for the first time.
Questions for Luisa
CompléterHere is a question for Luisa to answer.
Who is who
Mots CroisésFind out the people in Luisa's family in this crossword.
Male or female
RelierPlace these words in the correct category.
What Luisa has
Ordonner les LettresPut the words in the correct position to see what Luisa has.
Where am I?
Carte InteractiveClick on the part of the picture to identify the person.
My family
CompléterLuisa is writing about her family. Fill in the words she has left out.
What an architect should know
Mots MêlésHere are some of the things an architecture should know about and would need in his future career.