Match it!
Memorymatch flashcards with the corresponding wordcard.
TestGuess the correct clothes
clothes word search
Mots MêlésFind all the clothes!
object of the class
Mots Mêlésreview the names of the objects of the class
Mots Mêlésfind energy sources
Relier ColonnesPlaces in town
Mots MêlésPlaces of a town
Relier Colonnesmemory with sports
Mots Mêlésfind the sport!
Chemical and physical changes
Mots MêlésStudents search the vocabulary in the word search
Physical and Chemical changes
Video QuizStudents learn the differences between physical and chemical changes.
Parts of the body
Mots Croisésfill in the gaps
Roman house
Carte InteractiveDescription of the house
Roman house
Relier ColonnesMatch the part of the house
Roman house
RelierMatch the part of the house.