Order the words to tell the story!
order the words to tell the story!
order the words to tell the story!
Order the words to tell the story!
order the words to tell the story!
Reorder the words to tell the story!
Reorder the words to tell the story!
Reorder the words to tell the story!
Reorder the words to answer the question!
reorder the words to answer the question!
Fill in the text with preterit forms!
fill in the sentences with the right verb in preterit tense
Match each word to its definition!
write the words corresponding to these art techniques
Write down the corresponding words in the boxes
fill in the blanks with adjectives!
Fill in the blanks with the preterit forms of the verbs into brackets ( ).
Find the English equivalents
Put the words in the right order
Put the words in the right order
put the words in the right order
put the words in the right order
put the words in the right order
Find the vocab words corresponding to the definitions
asking questions and answering about housework and chores
What type of party will it be?
Reorder the words and find out the questions on important information in an invitation card!