Dolor y nocicepción
Mots CroisésA través de este crucigrama comprobareis que conceptos tenéis claros antes de comenzar las explicaciones.
Dolor y nocicepcion
Mots RouletteA través de este rosco comprobareis si os han quedado claros los conceptos clave de la explicación de hoy.
TestWith this activity childen are going to verify that they know the parts of their body.
Our body!!
MemoryIn this activity children have to found the pairs!!
Relier ColonnesWith this game children are going to learn a lot about their body!!
Mots RouletteWith this activity children will learn some parts of the body, there ar some a bit complicated so you will have to help them.
Body face
MemoryWith this activity children will learns the parts of our face
CompléterPut the words in the correct way.
Body part
DevinetteWhat part of our body is this?
Our body
Mots MêlésFind the words in this wordgrid.
face parts
RelierIn this activity they have to connect some parts of the face depending how many of them we have.
Mots CroisésWith this activity children are going to learn the parts of the body.