Past simple (verb to be)
Relier ColonnesNow you are going to match the pictures with the description
Educación Inclusiva 2
Mots CroisésResuelve el siguiente crucigrama teniendo en cuenta el tema de educación inclusiva
Educación Inclusiva
Mots MêlésResuelve la siguiente sopa de letras relacionada con Educación Inclusiva.
Word Search:Places in the city
Mots MêlésYou are going to search for the places that you can find in the city. Good luck!!
Relier ColonnesLet's match some adjectives
Customs around the world
Relier ColonnesMatch the custom to the country
Traditional Colombian Festivals and Events
Mots MêlésTry to find eight traditional Colombian festivals and events in this alphabet soup.
Traditions around the world
MemoryMatch the tradition to the country
Alfabetización Digital
Mots CroisésTerminología Básica