Physical Appearance
Froggy JumpsMatch the words with the correct picture
Match objects and owners
Whose is this?
DevinetteLook and guess the owner.
Whose is this?
DevinetteGuess the owner.
Whose is this?
DevinetteLook and guess the owner.
Possession - Saxon Genitive
MemoryEmparellar cousas cos seus posuidores
MemoryEmparella as imaxes cos seus nomes.
Listen and click
Ordonner les MotsListen to the names of the animals and clck on the words in order.
I've got
Ordonner les MotsListen and order words to make sentences
Popular pets
MemoryMemory about animals. Match the picture with the audio file.
Dr. Despistus Characters
Relier ColonnesMatch the characters to their descriptions
Dr Despistus
MemoryMatch the words to the pictures.
Our Carnival 2ºA
MemoryRelacionar audio con foto sobre disfraces.
Our Costumes 2ºA
MemoryRelaciona o audio coa imaxe.
Our costumes
MemoryRelacionar audio con foto sobre disfraces
Our Carnival
MemoryRelacionar audio con foto sobre disfraces.
Memory Routines
Physical appearance
MemoryMemory game.
MemoryEmparella as fotos de colorín.
Phonics /ae/ and /ei/
Ordonner les MotsEscoita e pincha nas palabras que escoites para formar frases.
Destapa 2 tarxetas e intenta facer parellas.
Listen and order
Ordonner les MotsEscoita e ordena as palabras (fonema/f/. )
Wordsearch - Activity Camp
Mots MêlésBusca nomes de actividades de campamento/deportes.
Present Continuous
Ordonner les MotsOrdena as palabras para formar frases en presente continuo.
The weather
MemoryFind pairs.
Listen and click to order the words.
Ordonner les MotsEscoita e ordena as palabras para formar frases.
Listen and write
Read and write /s/ or /k/
CompléterCompleta co fonema correspondente
Read and match.
RelierLe as palabras e relaciónaas co fonema correspondente.
Self-Introductions 6th grade.
Video QuizWatch the videos and answer the questions.
"I can"
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
Species in Balance
Mots CroisésResolve o encrucillado sobre animais en perigo de extinción.
Species in Balance
Relier ColonnesRelaciona as especies en perigo de extinción.
Species in balance
Mots CroisésCompleta o encrucillado co nome de distintas especies animais.
The Fox's Food
Mots MêlésBusca a comida do raposo.
Our Houses
Video QuizWatch the videos and answer the questions.
Dialogue about names.
DialogueListen to and repeat the dialogue about full names and nicknames.
DictéeListen and wirte the dictation about full names and nicknames.
The Fox
Carte InteractiveListen and find the fox's body parts.
Video Quiz about Appearance
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
MemoryEmparellar as imaxes coa frase.
Our toys
Video QuizWhich toy is it? Watch the video and answer the questions.
Permission - May
PrésentationAsking for permission politely, with "may".
DialogueListen to the dialogue and repeat the sentences.
DialogueListen to the dialogue and repeat the sentences.
Buying train tickets
DialogueListen to the dialogue and then repeat.
Video Quiz about objects
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
Leissure time
DialogueDialogue about what you can do in your free time.
DialogueDialogue about the weather.
Our Toys
MemoryMatch the pictures to the sounds.
DialogueDialogue about sports (like, good at).
Water Sports
MemoryMatch the word to the sound
MemoryMatch the word to the sound
Physical Appearance
MemoryMatch the pictures to the sounds.
MemoryMatch the pictures and the names