Read the story and order the parts into chronological order.
Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
Match the words and the definitions.
Fill in the gaps with the correct verb in Present continuous.
Fill in the gaps with the correct verb.
Make groups with the following 3rd person singular endings.
Complete the crossword with the PAST SIMPLE of the following verbs.
Find the irregular verbs that belong to the same group.
Match the following linking words to the correct sentences.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs.
Join the following Relative clauses
Choose the best answer a, b or c.
Match the relative word to the correct sentence.
How do you use these verbs?
Modals of obligation, prohibition, no obligation and advice.
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense
Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.
Make sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Make sentences in Present continuous.
Make sentences in Present Simple
Write the sentences in Present simple. Present Continuous or Present Perfect.
Write the past simple form of the following verbs
Write sentences in Present Simple.
Make sentences in Present continuous
Choose verbs from the correct group.
Put the following verbs into the correct group
Write the sentences using the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Which clue words do you use for Present Simple or Present Continuous?
How do you pronounce 3rs person singular -s endings?
Choose the verbs that take -s, -es, -ies
Which of the following are stative verbs?
Une las definiciones correctas
Completa el crucigrama con las definiciones.
Une las siguientes fotos y definiciones.
Une los siguientes términos con su definición.
Change the following sentences into the ACTIVE or PASSIVE VOICE. Omit the by-agent if possible.
Change the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE. Choose the Indirect complement as passive subject.
Change the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE.
Match the verbal forms missing from the sentences
Match the correct modal verb with the example.
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense.
Match the uses of the tenses and the examples.
Complete the exercise with the correct verbal form
Make sentences in the following tenses
Watch the video and answer the questions
Change the following sentences into the Passive voice. Use the Indirect complement as passive subject.
Change the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE.
Write the correct conditional.
Match the Conditional Clause and the situation.
Match the if-clause to the main clause.
Match the conditional clauses to their meaning.
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense.
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the modals.
Change the following sentences.
Find the PAST SIMPLE or PAST PARTICIPLE FORMS of the following verbs.
Make sentences in the correct tenses.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
Une las palabras con las imágenes.
Change the following sentences into REPORTED SPEECH.
Find words related to food and drink
Fill in the blanks with the correct MODAL VERB.
Match the if-clause with the main clause.
Match the if-clause and the main clause.
Change the following sentences into the Passive or Active Voice.
Join the following sentences into a RELATIVE CLAUSE.
Fill in the gaps with the correct modal
Match the following modals and examples.
Join the following sentences to make a Relative sentence.
Match the words to their definitions