Mots MêlésThe girls will be able to find the words we are studying for the spelling test.
Third graders third terms int.
Relier ColonnesThe main purpose is to relate the habitat of the animal and plants with the vocabulary to learn. The students will be able to use new word in short sentences to describe features in plants and animals...
Second term Second graders.
Mots RouletteThe main object for this term is for the students to understand, interiorize, in their daily speech the different vocabulary and concept learn in the classroom, as well as they can recognize this voca...
Integrated, 1 Term, 1 Graders.
Relier ColonnesThe goal this term is to use vocabulary of the topic in real life and constantly. The students will be able to understand short tests about the topics.
Mots MêlésLearning about magnetism.
The water cycle!
Video Quizthe water cycle.
what is matter?
Video QuizMatter as a changing aspect.
mix of topics
What are Minerals?
Ordonner les MotsWith this activity the students will be able to recognize the main characteristics of minerals and rocks.
The Sky.
Mots CroisésThis activity will help students to recall some previous knowledge and to have an overview of the next topics.
Relier ColonnesThis activity will help students to have an overview of the topics it will becover in the firts two weeks of classe.
Exploring the human skeleton.
Mots CroisésAnswer the following question. Remember to take a screenshot to the score and bring it to the class in the assigned day.
Wrong Ideas about Living things.
CompléterFill out the following paragraph with the correct answer of the misconception of this living thing .
Earth science!
Ordonner les MotsAnswer the question with the help of the Audio. You can do it!!!
Planets and Stars
Mots CroisésFind the letters in the following crossword. Have fun.