In this game, players must correctly order lines of the song.
Ordonner les Mots
I've got (Family and Friends Starter)
Practice 'I've got' for kids (Family and Friends Starter Unit 8)
Froggy Jumps
Clothes (Family and Friends Starter)
Train the vocabulary from Unit 8 Family and Friends Starter
Froggy Jumps
Family (Family and Friends 1)
Family members (mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa)
Oui ou Non
Present Perfect (Go Getter 3)
In this game, players will determine whether the given sentences are correct. Answer ✅ if is correct, and ❌ if isn't.
Froggy Jumps
Test your knowledge in spelling (elephant, crocodile, bird, tiger, monkey, whale, giraffe)