Farm Animals
TestComplete this quiz.
Farm Animals
CompléterWrite the questions
Farm Animals
Ordonner les MotsOrder the questions
Farm Animals
CompléterAnswer the questions
Farm Animals
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words
Farm Animals
Relier ColonnesComplete the sentences.
Farm Animals
CompléterComplete the sentences with the correct verb.
Farm Animals
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer.
Farm animals
Mots CroisésComplete de crossword
Farm animals
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words
Farm Animals
Mots MêlésLooking for the words in the wordsearch. Then, write it.
Farm Animals
Ordonner les LettresOrder the letters.
Farm Animals
MemoryLet's play a memory game.
Farm Animals
TestLook at the picture and choose the correct name.
Farm animals
Relier ColonnesListen and match
Farm Animals
Relier ColonnesMatch the name with picture.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Froggy JumpsAnswer these questions about the book
word search
Mots MêlésWord search about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
sopa de letras sobre Irlanda
Mots MêlésLos alumnos deberán completar esta sopa de letras en inglés.