Restaurant menu
RelierComplete the restaurant menu
Level B1 Grammar related to Past Simple and Past Continuous Choose the correct option
Level B1 Grammar related to Past Simple and Past Continuous Correct the sentences
Level B1 Grammar related to Past Simple and Past Continuous Put these verbs in Past Simple and Past Continuous
Level B1 Vocabulary related to the parts of the body Choose the odd word out and explain why
Voc.: Parts of the body 2 (B1)
Carte InteractiveLevel B1 Vocabulary related to the parts of the body Match the parts of the body
Voc.: Parts of the body (B1)
CompléterLevel B1 Vocabulary related to the parts of the body Complete the parts of the body
Level B1 Vocabulary related to the senses Choose the correct option
Vocabulary: The senses (B1)
Relier ColonnesLevel B1 Vocabulary related to the senses Match each column to make the five senses
Level B1 Vocabulary related to the senses Match each verb with its sense.
Musika tresnak topatu
Mots CroisésGaur instrumentuak familien arabera aukeratuko ditugu. Zorte on!
Instrumentuen familiak
RelierGaur instrumentuak familien arabera aukeratuko ditugu. Zorte on!
Elementu musikalak
Relier ColonnesLotu elementu musikal bakoitza bere irudikapenarekin. Zorte on!
Notak pentagraman
Carte InteractiveIrakurketa lantzeko beste era bat. Kokatu behar duzue eskatzen dizueten nota pentagraman. Ondo pentsatu eta egokia aukeratu. Zorte on!