Although, but, because, or so
CompléterChoose the best adverb according the communicative situation
How much or how many
TestQuestions for countables and uncountables
Relier ColonnesClothes adjectives and their opposites
Should or shouldn't
TestGive the properly advise
Vital Functions of Living Thin
Video QuizWatch this video and answer the questions.
How much for this?
Relier ColonnesMake the relation between audio and text
This wheel or that windscreen?
CompléterFill the spaces with the correct demonstrative.
At the Restaurant
Video QuizTry to answer these questions regarding the video taking into account the sense and the context.
Baby Care
Relier ColonnesMake the connection between image and word according to their concordance.
Quel est la chanson?
MemoryRapporte la chanson avec son titre © Yann Tiersen 2001 Je ne possède pas droits d'auteur de ces chansons complètes ou partielles. Ils sont utilisés avec des fins éducatives seulement.
Amélie ou les peintures
PrésentationConnais les artistes dont peintures font partie du film