Mots RouletteYou must write the world according to the clue, each correct word will give you 2 points, each incorrect will discount 1 point
my promise
CompléterComplete the next promise with the words we found in the last puzzle
things to take into account
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Ordonner les MotsListen to the recording and organize the words
Where are they from?
Relier ColonnesJoin the columns, the name and the country
Where are you from ?
Ordonner les Motsyou will organize the question with their answers
Say the phrase
Mots RouletteWrite down the word and say to the class the advice
dream part 1
Présentationaudio 1
The Dream (Vocabulary)
Mots CroisésYou have to fill the crossword by looking at the clues (Images or definitions) that the screen shows you.