Parts of the house
Esta actividad sirve para jugar al ahorcado (the hangman) con los estudiantes, la cual involucra el deletreo de una palabra y la correcta pronunciación de la misma. Las palabras utilizadas son las par...
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Identity adjectives
This activity uses adjectives. nouns and pictures that the students must match
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School activities
In this activity students must match verbs and nouns to make activities they do at school
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School Facilities
By means of this activity, the students will be able to learn vocabulary related to school
Water vocabulary
In this activity students must match the pictures to the words, most of words and pictures describe water or water activities
Past conditional
in this exercise, students must complete the sentences with past conditional
Past conditional
In this activity students must complete the sentences using the past conditional
Intentions and arrangements
In this activity students must complete the sentences using present simple, continuous and be going to to express intentions and arrangements
Relative clauses
In this activity students must use the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences
Mots Mêlés
Science and Animals
In this activity students must look for Science areas, animals and some extinct ones
Mots Mêlés
Music styles and adjectives
in this wordsearch you will find some music genres and adjectives that describe them
Mots Mêlés
in this wordsearch there are adjectives to describe both appereance and personality
Mots Mêlés
This wordsearch contains words related to islands and activities you can do there
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unreal conditional
In this exercise students must match unreal conditional sentences
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Past conditional
In this exercise students must match each begining with its correct ending in the past conditional exercises
Mots Mêlés
Career areas students can study in college after finishing their studies in high school