Dream Job?
Relier ColonnesWhat are your colleagues' dream jobs?
Best Gift Ever?
Relier ColonnesWhat was the best present you ever received?
Memes memes memes
What was your favorite age to be?
Froggy JumpsFind out what age your colleagues liked being
Anywhere Instantly
Relier ColonnesIf your colleagues could travel anywhere instantly & for free, where would they go?
Favorite Books
TestWhat are your colleagues' favorite books?
Where are we living?
TestRainforest, Beach, Flower field or Mountains?
What's your name?
TestIf your colleagues didn't have their own names, which names would they have?
Whose perfect day is it?
Relier ColonnesMatch the colleague to their perfect day
ABCs of Wünsche
Mots RouletteLots of random Wünsche things
The CR Zoo
TestWhich animals are your colleagues?
Song Quiz
Video QuizCan you guess these songs &/or their artists?
Favorites Movies
Froggy JumpsWhich colleagues have which favorite movies
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? : Match the colleague to their dream pet
MemoryMatch the colleague to their dream pet
CR Colleagues
Mots Mêléscolleagues names
Plants in Pictures
Carte InteractiveChoose that plant
CR Scramble
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble CR Words
TestIdentify plants
Strainers, Pumps and Valves
CompléterLearn about strainers, pumps and valves
Native & Invasive Water Pests
Relier ColonnesLearn about which water pests are native and which are invasive
Aquatic Pest Control Challenge
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge on methods and organisms related to managing waterway invaders.