Mots Croisés
Nama Hewan Bahasa Inggris
Menyebutkan nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa Inggris berdasarkan ciri khasnya
Mots Croisés
crossword puzzle descriptive text
This game made for the students to improve their understanding of descriptive text.
Froggy Jumps
Quiz Pertanyaan Random Aneh
Uji pengetahuanmu tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan aneh dan lucu!
Froggy Jumps
Narrative Text Quiz Challenge
Test your knowledge on narrative texts with this fun quiz game!
Video Quiz
Skills 4 - Unit 5
Watch the video and answer the questions regarding a Descriptive Essay.
Expressing Opinion
Listen to the audio the teacher shared with you and complete the sentences with the correct expression.
Mots Mêlés
Expressions: Word Search
Find in this word search expressions to indicate personal opinion, and expressions to compare and contrast
Froggy Jumps
Simple Present and Descriptive Text
You should to answer these following questions to cross to the mainland!
Froggy Jumps
Opinion Expression Quiz
Test your knowledge on asking and giving opinion expressions with this fun quiz game!
Froggy Jumps
Narrative Text Challenge
Test your knowledge of narrative texts with this fun quiz game!
Relier Colonnes
Descriptive Text Matching Game
Match concepts related to descriptive text to enhance your understanding of writing techniques.