Relier Colonnes
School Subjects Matching Game
Match school subjects with their descriptions in this fun and educational game!
Froggy Jumps
Animals' Movement Quiz
Test your knowledge about how animals move in this fun quiz game!
Froggy Jumps
Quiz Daur Ulang dan Ecobrick
Uji pengetahuanmu tentang daur ulang dan ecobrick dengan kuis ini!
Froggy Jumps
Quiz Visi Misi Ketua OSIS
Uji pengetahuanmu tentang visi dan misi ketua OSIS dengan kuis seru ini!
Froggy Jumps
Quiz Persiapan Kampanye Ketua OSIS
Uji pengetahuanmu tentang persiapan kampanye ketua OSIS dengan pertanyaan menarik!
Oui ou Non
Food and Beverage
In this game, players will determine whether various nouns are considered food and beverages. Players will answer with ✅ for items that are food or drinks and ❌ for items that are not. Test your knowl...
Mots Mêlés
Explore the Home
Find hidden terms related to different areas and features of a residence.