Dictation on the present perfect
Dictation on the present subjunctive
Dictation on the present subjunctive.
Dictation on the present perfect.
Dictation on the present subjunctive.
Dictation on accent marks
Dictation on past participle.
Dictation on the present subjunctive.
Dictation on conjunctions.
Dictation on past participles.
Dictation on the present progressive.
Dictation on "nosotros" commands.
Dictation on the subjunctive with adjective clauses.
Dictation on the imperfect.
Dictation on the present subjunctive.
Dictation on Nosotros Commands
NS1 dictation on the preterite.
Dictation on preterite vs imperfect.
Dictation on subjunctive with phrases of emotion.
Native Speakers 2 dication on the imperfect.
Native Speakers 1 Dictation on Present Tense.
Spanish 3 dictation on the stores around town.
Dictation on the subjunctive review.
Dictation on subjunctive mode with conjunctions.
Dictation on "gustar" and similar verbs
Dictation on Subjunctive.
Dictation on "ser and estar"
Dictation on indicative, subjunctive, infinitive
Dictation on Nosotros no vocabulary
Dictation on Subjunctive to express emotions.
Dictation on the subjunctive to express emotions.
Dictation on present tense.
Dictation on Mexico's independence Day.
Dictation on expressions of time.
Dictation on Subjunctive.
Dictation on diacritic accents.
Dictation on the Garífuna community.
Spanish 3 dictation on the subjunctive.
Spanish NS1 dictation on "No me ama" comprehension.
Spanish NS2 Dictation on diacritic accents.
4AP Spanish Dictation on vocabulary.
Dictation on the preterite tense.
Dictado sobre género y número.
Instrucciones para ser feliz.
Spanish Dictation on Antonyms.
Dictation on indirect object pronouns.
Vocabulario sobre las relaciones.
Spanish 1 Dictation on Fruits.
Dictation on the imperfect tense.
NS1 Dictation on preterite tense.
Spanish 1 crossword puzzle on clothing articles
Spanish 1 dictation on clothing articles.
Native Speakers 1 dictation on feeling expressions.
Native Speaker 2 dictation on time expressions
Spanish 1 word puzzle on months of the year.
Spanish 1 dictation on the stores around town.
Native Speaker 2 dictation on synonyms
Native Speakers Dictation on all letters
Spanish 1 puzzle on prepositions of place
Spanish 1 Dictation on prepositions of place.
Spanish Native Speakers 2 dictation on a description of places.
Spanish native speakers 1 dictation on all letters.
Spanish 4AP dictation on accent marks.
Spanish 1 dictation on -ar verbs present tense.
Spanish 1 stores around town.
Spanish 1 word puzzle numbers review.
Spanish 1 dictation on noun/adj agreement.
Spanish NS1 dictation on all letters 2
Spanish Native Speakers dictation on diacritics 4.
Spanish 4AP Dication on accent marks.
4AP Spanish dictation on accent marks (3)
NS1 dictation on /b/ list of words.
NS2 Spanish dictation on diacritics 3
Spanish 1 present tense -er/-ir verbs.
Spanish 1 dictation "conmigo and contigo"
Spanish Dictation on accent marks 2
Spanish Native Speakers 2 Dictation on Diacríticos 3.
Native Speakers 1 dictation on /b/ 2
Spanish 1 wordsearch on -er/-ir verbs.
Spanish 1 dictation on verb "jugar"
Native Speakers dictation on homophones of H
Native Speakers 2 "Diacriticos"
Spanish 4AP dictation on accent marks
Native Speakers 2 dictation on "diacríticos"
Spanish NS1 dictation on "H" homophones.
Spanish 1 -ar verb conjugation in (tú)
Spanish 1 dictation on present tense -ar verbs
Advanced Spanish dictation on letter "m"
Native Speakers dictation on Accent marks.
Native Speakers dictation on homophones of the letter h.
Spanish 1 -ar verbs in "yo"
Spanish 1 dictation on -ar verbs in the present tense.
Spanish Native Speakers 2 Dictation on accent marks.
Native Speakers dictation on homophones of letter "h"
Spanish 4AP dictation on the letters "N" and "M".
Spanish 1 word puzzle using family vocabulary and possessive adjectives.
Spanish 1 dictation using family vocabulary and possessive adjectives.
Spanish AP dictation on letters "M/N"
NS1 Spanish dictation on the letter "h"
Native Speakers 2 dictation on accent marks.
Span 1 crossword puzzle on family relationships
Spanish 1 dictation of family relationships.
Spanish 4AP dictation of the letter r.
Native Speakers dictation on the letter h.
Native Speakers dictation on the letter h.
Spanish 1 Family vocabulary
Spanish 1 dictation of family vocabulary.
Native Speakers Dictation on letter "h"
Native Speakers dictation of the letters "s" and "x"
Spanish dictation on the letter (r)
Spanish 1 word search on adjectives.
Spanish 1 dictation on adjectives
Spanish word search on telling time vocabulary.
Spanish dictation using the words cuánto y mucho.
Spanish dictation with a focus on letters j and g.
Spanish dictation on letters b and v.
Spanish dictation on the use of the letters G and J
Native Speakers 2 dictation on the sound of /y/.
Spanish Native Speakers dictation on the sound of /b/
Advanced Spanish dictation on the sound of /s/
Spanish 1 Class schedule.
Spanish one, dictation on class schedule.
Advanced Spanish Dictation on diacritics.
Native Speakers 2 dictation on writing.
Native Speakers 1 dictation on Comparative.
Spanish 1 dictation on class schedule.
Dictado para hispanohablantes 1
Dictation for native speakers of Spanish. Reflexive verbs.
Spanish dictation "Mi casa"
NS1 dictation on irregular verbs in the present tense.
Spanish 1 dictation on school supplies.
Dictado for native speakers of Spanish 1
Spanish one dictation on school supplies.
Dictado en español, presente del indicativo.
Dictado "me gusta" en español
Practicar la escritura con un dictado.
Escribe lo que escuchas correctamente y practica la ortografía de los días y lo meses.
Escribe la palabras correctamente incluyendo los acentos escritos necesarios.
Casos especiales de los sustantivos.