To Be Mastery Challenge
RelierTest your knowledge of the Simple Present Tense 'To Be' with fun challenges and quizzes!
Personality Traits Picture Match
Relier ColonnesMatch personality traits with their descriptions in this fun and educational game!
Long O Words
Mots CroisésPractice "oa" and "o_e" spelling patterns
Irregular Past Tense
MemoryMatch the present tense with the past tense
Past Tense Verbs
CompléterFill in the blanks.
O Vowel Vocab
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with O vowels to the picture.
Johanna 23.7.24
Mots CroisésVocabulary Words
Fourth of July Video Vocab
Mots Croiséshttps://youtu.be/WXp3267uzMg
Our House (Possessive Adjectives)
CompléterPractice English possessive adjectives by filling in the blanks in this story about a family's house
Match the appropriate articles of clothing to the weather conditions
Word-Picture Match
Relier ColonnesMatch words to corresponding pictures: chain, paint, brain, frame, rash, main, blame, faint, want, said, flash, tail, pain.
Family Members Crossword
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of family members with this fun crossword puzzle!
Wishful Situations
Relier ColonnesMatch the situation to the wish in this fun game of desires and outcomes.
Test your knowledge of animal body parts with this fun memory game! Match the body parts to their respective animals.