Compound words
Memorymatch the words to make compound words
Rearrange the alphabet
Ordonner les Motsstudent should be ablo to put the letter in alphabet order (spanish edition ñ)
Ordonner les Motsel alumno debera leer las palabras y ubicarlas en el orden correcto
Presto el mago
Video QuizVer el vídeo y respondan preguntas simples
Ordenar oraciones y el abecedario
Ordonner les Motsordenar oraciones y el abecedario
Present perfect sentences
Ordonner les MotsStudent should be able to organize the sentences
General vocabulary
Mots RouletteGeneral vocabulary
Jack-o-lantern story
Relier ColonnesThe student must match the pictures to the story
Seasons, verbs and frequency adverbs
Mots Croisésthe students should know vocabulary about seasons, verbs and frequency adverbs.
Mots Roulettevocabulary of many things
Oui ou NonThe student should be able to answer yes or no to the pictures with their superlative adjective.
Seasons vocabulary
Froggy JumpsThe student should be able to match the vocabulary to their meaning
the student should be able to identify the verb tense
Memorythe student should be able to match the occupation to their work place.
present perfect: since - for
CompléterThe student should be able to identify whether to put have or has and since or for
Present perfect
TestThe student should know when to use just, yet, since, for, already, never or ever.
Students identify healthy/unhealthy habits plus sentences in present simple and verb to be.
numbers, food and school objects
Oui ou Nonthe student must identify whether the images match the words or not
Letras de la O a la Z
MemoryEl alumno deberá identificar el sonido y unirlo con la letra que corresponda
Letras de la A a la Ñ
Relier ColonnesEl alumno deberá identificar el sonidos de las letras
Palabras con ga, gue, gui, go, gu
Relier ColonnesEl alumno debera unir la palabra con la imagen correspondiente
Palabras con ca, que, qui, co, cu
Froggy JumpsLos alumnos deberan encontrar la palabra que corresponda a la imagen
Months and days
Relierfind the months of the year and the days of the week
Days of the week
Relier Colonnesmatch the days of the week with their translation in Spanish and the translation to the audio.
pets, farm and sea animals
Reliergroup the animals according to their category
Object and prossessive pronouns
Froggy Jumpsidentify the subject and possessive pronouns
Froggy JumpsVocabulary for origami
content of vocabulary
Froggy Jumpsvocabulary about many things
Places, Adjectives, Sea animals, pronouns
Relier ColonnesThe student should be able to match the images to the words
MemoryThe student should be able to match the pictures to the audio of the hobby.
Froggy JumpsEl alumno deberá eliminar aquellas palabras que no contengan la letra que se indica.
The student should be able to answer questions related to the concepts described in the title
Relier ColonnesEl alumno debera leer las palabras y encontrar la imagen que represente su significado
palabras e imagenes
Memorylos alumnos deberan encontrar leer las palabrasx y encontrar las imagenes correspondientes. Consonantes j, f, d, b + las vocales.
Opposites vocabulary
Relier ColonnesThe student should match the vocabulary
S, N, J, F, B + vocales
Relier ColonnesLos alumnos deberan encontrar el sonido de la silaba
encuentra todas las consonantes con las vocales
Consonantes M, L, D, P, T más vocales
Relier ColonnesLos alumnos deberan identificar las consonantes y vocales segun su nombre, imagen y sonido.
TestLeer palabras cortas e identificar su significado
Memoria de Vocales
MemoryJuego de memoria para aprender las vocales en español. ¡Diviértete mientras aprendes!
Regular and Irregular verbs
RelierStudents have to find all the correct forms of the verbs that appear on the game.
Fruits and vowels
MemoryMatching pairs of vocabulary
Cognates and False cognates
Froggy JumpsLearn cognates and false cognates with this game
Test your knowledge of irregular verbs with this fun memory cards game. Match the base form with its past simple and past participle!
Numbers, Fruits, Colors and Body Parts
Froggy JumpsVocabulary and pictures of numbers, fruits, colors and body parts
Mots RouletteMonth, Numbers, Seasons, Verbs and others
Odd one out
Froggy JumpsThe student should be able to identify the word that don't belong to the family of words.