Relier Colonnes
Formal and informal words(synonyms)
Match the formal and informal words with the same meanings (synonyms)
The Most Common Texting Abbreviations
Choose the appropriate acronyms from the following list to fill in the gaps in the sentences.
Choose the appropriate abbreviation from the list below to complete each sentence.
Relier Colonnes
How Study Abroad Can Benefit College Students
Match the words to form phrases. Explain the meaning and use each to make a sentence based on the text.
Relier Colonnes
More than half of UK students working long hours in paid jobs
Fill in the gaps using on, of, for, to, from, at, by, in or into when necessary. Explain the meaning of the phrases.
Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase (in the appropriate form) using the active vocabulary from the reading.
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the appropriate vocabulary words from the article.
Relier Colonnes
Social media's growing impact on our lives
Match the items to form collocations used in the text.
Relier Colonnes
These photographs reveal invisible wonders of our world
Match the words with their definitions.