Relier ColonnesFind out the continents
Guess the electornic gadgets
Mots RouletteUnit 2 gadgets vocabulary revision
Gadgets III
Relier Colonnesgadgets
Gadgets vocabulary P 3
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the words
technology and gadgets
Mots Roulettetechnology and gadget vocabulary
technology and gadgets
Mots Roulettetechnology and gadget vocabulary
Body parts
TestClick on the correct body part.
Carte InteractiveBy means of this activity, students are going to review the vocabulary related to body parts.
Comparative P3
Froggy JumpsPractice the comparative forms of the adjective.
Comparative and Superlative (ADJECTIVES) (D)
Froggy JumpsPractice the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective.
Animals comparatives and superlatives (D)
Froggy JumpsComplete the comparative and superlative sentences.
Comparative (D)
RelierHow to form comparative
Comparatives and superlatives (D)
CompléterWrite the comparative and superlative form of these adjectives