Personality Adjectives
Mots CroisésRead the clue and provide the adjective
Yes-No Questions and Answers
Relier ColonnesMatch question and answer
Letter of Complaint-Practice 2
Relier ColonnesPlease match the English and the Spanish version of these phrases.
Letter of Complaint-Practice 1
CompléterPlease complete the letter
Theseus song vocabulary-2
Relier ColonnesMatch image and word
Theseus song vocabulary-1
Mots CroisésRead the clues or look at them. Then, write your answer.
Ancient Romans
Mots RouletteRead the sentences and complete the words! The words may START, INCLUDE in the MIDDLE or END with a certain letter.
Ancient Greeks
Relier ColonnesMatch image and word
The Ancient Egyptians
Video QuizWatch and listen attentively. Answer the questions.
Working with Myths 2
Mots RouletteComplete using Vocabulary related to Myths
Working With Myths
Mots CroisésProvide the correct word associated to the Myths read in class
Guess Who?
Relier ColonnesWho's being described?
Physical Description
Relier ColonnesLet's prectise it!
social studies unit 2 part 1
Mots Croiséswrite the correct word
social studies unit 2 part 1
Compléterdrag the word to the correct space
Social studies unit 2 part 1
Relier Colonnesmatch word and image
Complete the e-mail
CompléterRead the e-mail and complete
On my desk 4
DevinetteLook at the clues and write
On my desk 3
DevinetteLook at the clues and write
On my desk 2
DevinetteLook at the clues and write.
On my desk 1
DevinetteLook at the clues and write.
On my desk
DevinetteLook at the clues and write.
On my desk...
Mots RouletteLook at the photo and write.
Read and click
CompléterRead the sentence and click the correct option (personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and verb TO BE).
Read and drag
CompléterComplete with Personal Pronouns or Possessive Adjectives.
Introductions and Greetings
Video QuizWatch the video and answer (Mira el video y responde)
Where to go?
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
Prepositions of Time
CompléterDrag the correct preposition to complete the sentence.
Conditionals Salad!
RelierWork with Conditional Sentences Type 1 and 2. Put the sentences in the correct category.
What would you do if .... ? 1
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to make Second Conditional sentences.
If I were you...
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to make Second Conditional sentences.
What would you do?
CompléterComplete the sentences using the Second Conditional structure.
What would you do if...
Relier ColonnesMatch the two halves of the sentence to make Type 2 Conditional Sentences.
Lucky or unlucky? Dictation
DictéeListen to he words and write them.
What if...?
Relier ColonnesMatch the two halves of the conditional sentence.
Future Forms
Relier ColonnesMatch the halves of the sentences (have in mind the uses of all the future forms studied)
Going to Future
CompléterComplete the sentences with the words provided.
Based on Evidence
Relier ColonnesMatch the comment to the picture that suits best.
What are they going to do?
Video QuizListen to the conversations and complete the activities.
At the Cinema
Video QuizWatch the video and complete with the missing words
Will you ask the Questions? 3
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to ask questions.
Will you ask the Questions? 2
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to ask questions.
Will you ask the Questions? 1
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to ask questions.
Will you ask the Questions?
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to ask questions.
Relier ColonnesRead the sentences and complete with a suitable ending.
Let's talk about movies!
CompléterClick the word that best suits the blank.
At the Cinema!
Mots CroisésRead the definition and write the word
Complete with the correct form
CompléterDrag the word to complete the sentences.
What is he/she like? (7)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like? (6)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like? (5)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like? (4)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like? (3)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like? (2)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like? (1)
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
What is he/she like?
DevinetteRead or listen to the clues. What is the person being described like?
Talking about your personality
Mots CroisésRead the definition and complete with the correct adjective (friendly, serious, hard working,etc.)
Help the detective!
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
At the travel agency
CompléterDrag the words to the correct blank.
What were they doing when...
CompléterComplete with the correct form: Simple Past or Past Continuous
Irregular past forms
Mots CroisésRead the explanation/clue and complete the crossword.
He used to have a happier life
Video QuizListen to this man talk about his past life. Answer the questions.
What did they use to do?
Relier ColonnesRead the sentence halves and match beginning and ending.
Outdoor and Indoor activities
Mots CroisésSpell the activity but -don't leave any spaces between words (PLAY TENNIS will appear as PLAYTENNIS). -click on the squares in the crossword to get the clue.
Did you find them?
MemoryMatch the pair image-activity
Complete with the connectors
CompléterUse the connectors SO, AND, BECAUSE, BUT, ALTHOUGH and OR to complete the text
What is it? (4)
DevinetteClothing items. Listen to the track and turn round the squares. Did you guess the clothing item?
What is it? (3)
DevinetteClothing items. Listen to the track and turn round the squares. Did you guess the clothing item?
What is it? (2)
DevinetteClothing items. Listen to the track and turn round the squares. Did you guess the clothing item?
What is it? (1)
DevinetteClothing items. Listen to the track and turn round the squares. Did you guess the clothing item?
What is it?
DevinetteClothing items. Listen to the track and turn round the squares. Did you guess the clothing item?
Mots MêlésFind 15 cothing items
Ask the Question
Ordonner les MotsDrag and drop the words to ask the proper question.