¡Animales en Español!
Froggy JumpsPon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre los nombres de los animales en español.
La Comida
Froggy JumpsFood terms in Spanish
Verbo gustar
Froggy Jumpsstudents will use gusta or gustan
Spanish / English adjective translation
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of Spanish and English adjectives with this quiz game!
Spanish adjectives singular and plural matching
Relier ColonnesMatch the singular with plural adjectives in Spanish
Froggy JumpsClothing is Spanish
Greetings and Farewells
Froggy JumpsGreeting and Farewells in Spanish
Spanish Greetings
Relier Colonnesspanish greeting matching game
Froggy Jumpsnumber
The Spanish Alphabet Frog Jumps
Froggy JumpsLearn the sounds of the Spanish Alphabet
adjectives in Spanish matching masculine with feminine
Relier Colonnes20 adjectives in Spanish matching masculine with feminine and some are the same both masculine and feminine
Present Tense AR Verbs
Froggy JumpsReviews basic -ar verbs
IR Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on the topic of IR with these 10 questions!
ER and IR present tense verbs Spanish
Froggy JumpsER and IR present tense verbs Spanish regular verbs conjugated
Froggy JumpsThe students will practice the use of the verb to want (querer) and querer + infinitivo