What or Who questions
Froggy JumpsPerguntas e respostas sobre WHAT ou WHO
Wh-Question Quiz for Kids
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of Wh-questions with this fun quiz for 7-year-olds!
Emoji time!
Froggy JumpsJogue com os emojis e descubra as respostas corretas
can or cannot
Froggy Jumpsdizer qual é can ou cannot
Fruits 2: prefers, likes
Froggy JumpsDo you remember all the fruits we learned?
Froggy JumpsAcessorios em ingles
Quiz de Características Físicas
Froggy JumpsTeste seus conhecimentos sobre características físicas em inglês!
Physical Appearance Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on describing physical features using specific terms!
Quiz de Palavras: Casa e Transporte
Froggy JumpsTeste seus conhecimentos sobre palavras relacionadas a casa e transporte!
Quiz sobre Horários e Refeições
Froggy JumpsTeste seus conhecimentos sobre horários e refeições com este divertido quiz!
Zoo animals
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about different feelings with this fun quiz for kids!
Quiz das Cores para Crianças
Froggy JumpsTeste seus conhecimentos sobre as cores adequadas para uma criança de 7 anos!
Months of the Year Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of the months of the year with this fun quiz!
Subject Pronouns
Froggy JumpsLembra de todos os sujeitos?
Oui ou Nondo you remember the subject pronouns?
Froggy JumpsDo you remember the anmes?
Froggy Jumpsdo you remember all the vocabulary?
Froggy Jumpstechnology
Number Quiz Challenge
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of numbers from 11 to 20 with this fun quiz game!
farm animals
Froggy JumpsCan you remember the farm animals?
Super Hero Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about super heroes with this exciting quiz game!
Superhero Memory Match
MemoryTest your memory with these super hero-themed cards. Match the pairs to reveal the ultimate heroes!
Fairy Tale
Carte InteractiveCan you remember each name?
Fairy Tale
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of fairy tale vocabulary with this fun quiz game!
Days of the Week Crossword
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of the days of the week!
Weekday Memory Match
MemoryTest your memory with this fun game matching the days of the week!
Alphabet Quiz Challenge
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of the alphabet from A to G with this fun quiz game!
Alphabet Memory Match
MemoryA fun memory game to teach the alphabet from A to G. Match the letters and improve your memory skills!