Mots Roulette
Navigate Inter Unit 4.1 (words + EXTRA)
Write the words according to their describtion
Choose the best option for every sentence
Relier Colonnes
Gateway B1+ Unit 1 (opposite words)
Match the personality adjectives with their opposites
Mots Roulette
Marugoto A2.1 Lesson 5 (adjectives)
Write down the adjectives for describing places in the city
Mots Roulette
Marugoto A2.2 Lesson 2 Verbs for describing people
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in ます form
Relier Colonnes
Gateway A2 Unit 4 (Grammar past simple ED)
Match the example verbs with the rules how to add -ed ending
Relier Colonnes
Gateway B1 Unit 2 (Past Continuous VS Past Simple)
Find examples for the rules provides
Relier Colonnes
Gateway B1 Unit 2 (Grammar guide)
Match the sentences with their grammar descriptions
Mots Roulette
Marugoto A2.2 Lesson 18 (Vocabulary)
Fill in the gaps with words from the topic 人生 (Life)
Mots Roulette
Marugoto A2.1 Lesson 2 (Words)
Complete the gaps with the words from the topic "Hobby"
Mots Roulette
Marugoto A1.1 Lesson 13 (Words)
Try to remember all the words from the topic about transport and type in the word in hiragana