Was it a consequence of the First Word War?
Oui ou NonWas it a consequence of the First Word War game
New characteristics/ weapons in Word War 1
Ordonner les LettresNew characteristics/ weapons in Word War 1
MAIN causes of the Great War
How did World War 1 start?
Relier ColonnesHow did World War 1 start?
Phases of Word War 1
CompléterPhases of Word War 1
World War I Quiz
TestTest your knowledge about the Great War with these challenging questions!
Kontinenteen jitoaren 4 frogak
CompléterKontinenteen jitoaren 4 frogak
Lurraren denbora tarteak
MemoryLurraren denbora tarteak
Gida fosilak
Ordonner les MotsGida fosilak
Datazio metodoak
Relier ColonnesDatazio metodoak
Lurraren adinaren historia
CompléterLurraren adinaren historia