Collocations. Prepositions. Gold Experience B2 (Units 6 and 7)
Read the clues and find the words. Revise vocabulary before the test.
Based on unit 4 (Gold Experience B1+)
Vocabulary: places in town
Questions about the novel
Gold Experience U1,2,3 and 8
Test your knowledge of English seasons and months with this fun game!
Gold Experience B1+
Units 1 to 3
Vocabulary based on READING COMPREHENSION from Student's book (Unit 1: Early birds)
Ideas shared in the webinar
Food, clothes, school, house, toys
Grammar and Vocabulary revision
Revision of vocabulary and grammar
Animals, School objects, colours, house
B2 U9 Gold Experience (Speaking Section)
Vocabulary about LIKES and DISLIKES
B1 Level (Gold Experience B!)
Cambridge English Assessment
Gold Experience B1 - Second edition
Explore vocabulary 2 Section
Language and communication
Vocabulary - Gold Experience C1
Bright Ideas 3 - Unit 1 RABBIT
Bright Ideas 3 Unit 1 - BAT
Bright Ideas Unit 1 - Class book
Vocabulary - Class book page 10
Vocabulary class book page 10
Starter Unit revision Bright Ideas 3
Vocabulary revision for 3rd form
First Grade 1st month revision
Inside Out movie. Feelings vocabulary
Cultural Diversity Day- October 12th
Vocabulary BRIGHT IDEAS 4 UNIT 4
Sticking to healthy behaviours
How to stick to healthy behaviours
Vocabulary and Grammar Revision
Vocabulary and Grammar Revision
Interactive Map to locate the 7 Wonders of the Modern World
Bright Ideas Unts 1 and 2
Bright Ideas Units 1 and 2 revision
Vocabulary Revision based on RC
Identification of regular past forms
Focus on Vocabulary
Gold Experience B2
2020 Preliminary Oral Exam
Official VIdeo
Activity dealing with the vocabulary introduced in the short story by Francis Steegmuller.
Word search based on Anthony Browne's LITTLE BEAUTY
Ice breaker activity to work on classroom practices from day 1
Formal and Informal Letters
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 13 and 14
King Arthur- Key vocabulary
Beyond B1
Grammar and Vocabulary
Teens 4
Some Internet safety tips for teens to bear in mind
UNITS 1 and 2 BEYOND B1-
Grammar and vocabulary for Teens 4
An activity to do after reading the short story by Edgar Allan Poe.
Grammar reference. Different patterns used with wish
Complete the crossword puzzle
Regular & Irregular verbs
Vocabulary and Grammar Revision.
Alternative ways to express future ideas. PET level,
Work on vocabulary related to food
Elementary Level Vocabulary on food.
Crossword. Follow-up activity to pdf presentation
Classify these expressions
Story to complete with the past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous.
vocabulary revision
Regular and irregular verbs
Text to complete.
Simple Past consolidation
The more you use them, the easier it will be to learn them!
Read the article and complete it with the correct word
Watch the video and choose the correct alternative