Relier Colonnes
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Characters
Match the descriptions with the characters of the story.
Froggy Jumps
The Ambassador's Son - Chapter 6 plot
This activity is designed to help students understand the plot of chapter 6 of "The Ambassador's Son" by Anne Stanmore.
Mots Croisés
The Ambassador's Son - Chapters 8-9
Vocabulary activity about The Ambassador's Son - Chapters 9-9
Relier Colonnes
The Ambassador's Son - Chapter 6
Activity on chapter 6 of The Ambassador's Son by Anne Stanmore
Relier Colonnes
Problemas Medioambientales
Encuentra las parejas de conceptos relacionados con los problemas medioambientales.
Mots Roulette
Adivina la Profesión
Juego de palabras sobre las profesiones en español. Adivina una palabra para cada letra del abecedario.