inside the house
Mots Mêlésfind the words
спотлайт 7 2а
Relier Colonnesсоедини пары
Mots Mêlésfinde die Woerter
спотлайт 3а
Ordonner les Lettresfind the words
questions and answers
Ordonner les Motsmake the sentences
füllt die Pässe aus
Compléterfüllt die Pässe aus
Ordonner les Lettrescomplete the words
Winnie the Pooh DTSCH
Mots Mêléslerne neue Wörter
Shopping time
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Präpositionen mit Doppelrektion
Compléterwähle den richtigen Kasus nach Präpositionen
Präpositionen mit Doppelrektion
Mots MêlésFinde die Präpositionen
Was sagt das? (Winnie Puuh)
Froggy JumpsHör zu und finde heraus, wer das sagt
Compléterfülle die Lücken aus
Time markers in Direct/Indirect speech
Relier Colonnesmatch the two forms
Change the sentence
Compléterfill in the gaps
find out the mood
Present Simple or Present Progressive?
Froggy Jumpsyour task is to fill in the gaps with the right variant
Is it for Present Simple?
Oui ou Nonread the situation and decide whether it is present simple or not
work experience
Memorymatch the picture and the job
work experience
Froggy Jumpsfind the picture of each job
find the pair
Memorymake up the pairs of the word and translation
match the words
Relier Colonnesconnect the pairs
die Familie
Mots Mêlésconnect the letters
Valentine's day words
Mots Mêlésfind the words
will / to be going to
Relier Colonnesconnect the pairs
Frogwill of Frogoing?
Froggy Jumpschoose the correct variant
Compléterwill or to be going to?
Will vs To be going to
CompléterFill in the Blanks game
Will vs To Be Going To
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on the differences between 'will' and 'to be going to' in English grammar.
Extracurricular activities
Mots Mêlésfind the words here!
Space theme
Mots MêlésFind the words
Alphabet memory
MemoryMatch big and small letters
Merry Christmas!
Mots RouletteFind the words