My future plans
MemoryCan you find the match between the words and the pictures?
Skills for the job
Relier ColonnesHere you will see an image and on the other column a job skill. Can you match them?
listen and write
Video QuizListen to the requests
Relier Colonnesjoin sentences using conjunctions
Organize the sentence
Ordonner les Motswords need a order to make sense
jobs and more jobs
Relier Colonnesjobs and people
Place and service
Relier ColonnesOn one column you will see a place; in the other, you will see the service provided by that place
Match - places around town
RelierLook at the picture and match with the right word
You will hear a short conversation between a waiter in a restaurant and a customer. Write down the conversation.
Places around Town
Ordonner les MotsThe following sentence needs to be in order. Can you fix it?