Relier Colonnes
Financial Collocations in Serbian - Lesson 2
Matching game: verbs + nouns / adjectives to get correct collocations
Carte Interactive
His and Her in Serbian
Take a guess about the items that show up. Do they belong to Marina, so they are hers (njen) , or to Jeremija, so they are his (njegov)?
Relier Colonnes
Verbs in Serbian 1
Vežbamo kolokacije: let's connect the verbs and nouns, asking questions as an additional speaking exercise
Lekcije1-20 Grupe reci
Grouping words into five categories: numbers, family, food, animals and furniture
Let's find out which words are Masculine, Neuter and which are Feminine gender
Let's group the words together! The words refer to fruit, family members, animals and verbs :) Best of luck = Srećno!