Listening Activity
Relier ColonnesIIn this activity you must relate the part of the house with the right vocabulary hears the word and choose the correct image
Parts of the house
Relier ColonnesIn this activity the students have to relate picture of the furniture that goes in each room of the house.
The City
Relier ColonnesIdentify the places that are on their city
The house
Relier ColonnesParts of the house
The Pets
Relier ColonnesPets from the farm
The Family
Relier ColonnesThe members that constitute my family
Community Members
Relier ColonnesIn the community all have a role to play and each role is important.
The Family
CompléterCompletar con la palabra en Ingles.
My Pets
Mots MêlésEncontrar las palabras del vocabulario visto en clase
Herramientas Web 2.0
Mots MêlésPresentacion de Herramientas