DevinetteVocabulary about accidents
Health problems
Mots CroisésVocabulary about health problems.
Listening habits
CompléterComplete the sentences with the words you listen to.
CVs and cover letters
Relier ColonnesVocabulary for cover letters and CVs
Reported speech
Ordonner les MotsSentences using the reported speech
Bad habits
CompléterCommon bad habits that people have.
Simple present
Ordonner les MotsReorder the sentences to make simple present statements.
Vocabulary Unit 2
Ordonner les LettresFrontrunners 1 Unit 2
Choose the best option that best fits to the information in the article
The use of used to and would
CompléterWrite the correct word
Jobs and occupations
Mots CroisésVocabulary related to jobs
Vocabulary about languages
MemoryWords related to languages
Vocabulary about endangered languages
Mots CroisésWords to be used to talk about languages
Vocabulary for health
CompléterReview of the vocabulary previously learned.
Heath problems
CompléterPractice the vocabulary about health problems and remedies.
Write the correct question under each statement.
Verb be
CompléterExercise to practice the use the verb be in present.
A Fill in the Blanks game to practice subject pronouns and possessive adjectives in English grammar.
Expressions of time. Basic 1
CompléterComplete the text with "in, on, at, until, around, early"
Reading 2
TestReading about ancestral medicine.
Giving Advice
CompléterUse the correct form of the modals to give advice
Health vocabulary
Relier ColonnesVocabulary about health problems
Things to travel
RelierThings to consider before traveling
Vocabulary unit 8
CompléterVocabulary about traveling
Mots MêlésWays to travel
Traveling Vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresWords for a basic level related to traveling
Unit 8
Mots CroisésVocabulary about trips and feelings
Unit 7
MemoryFood vocabulary