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1 . The function of the ____________________ ____________________ is to breakdown food , absorb nutrients and minerals , and excrete solid waste . The parts of the ____________________ ____________________ are : ____________________ , stomach , small intestine , large intestine , ____________________ , gallbladder and ____________________ .
2 . The function of the ____________________ ____________________ is to filter the blood , and regulate salt and water levels . The part of the ____________________ ____________________ are : Kidneys , ____________________ , bladder and ____________________ .
3 . The function of the ____________________ ____________________ is that consists that different glands that make hormones . ____________________ are chemical messengers that form slow changes in the body .
4 . The function of the ____________________ ____________________ is found underneath the brain and tells the other glands when to release hormones . It also releases a growth hormone that causes changes in the body that lead to maturity .
5 . The function of the ____________________ ____________________ is produces a hormone that allows your body to use energy .
6 . The function of the ____________________ ____________________ is is located above the kidneys and produces a hormone called adrenalin this hormone activates the fight or flight response which is the body's way of protecting you from danger . 7 . ____________________ - We use this to store energy in fat cells , we break it down into fatty acids to make cells linings and hormones .
____________________ - It is broken down into amino acids which is used to build muscle and make other proteins .
____________________ - It is broken down into glucose which is used to supply energy to cells .