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1. Situational Audience Analysis
2. Demographic Audience Analysis
3. Topic Interest and Prior Knowledge Analysis
4. Psychological Audience Analysis

Is my audience educated enough to understand what I am saying?

Does your audience have any hand in decision making?

Does my audience have any idea of the topic of presentation?

Does the audience mostly belong to a particular religion or is it a mixed group?

The audience will show interest in similar presentations if they give a rating of 4 or 5.

Are most members of the audience employed or unemployed?

Has your audience come of its own free will to listen to you?

If the answer to this question is a firm No, then I am on the safe side.

What is the nationality or race of the audience?

Are the members of the audience married, divorced or unmarried?

Under what circumstances has the audience come to listen to you?

If they remain silent and give a blank look, it means I may have to explain things in a simpler way.

How much will I have to reach down to make my audience understand, in case most members are ignorant?

Are the members of audience speech captives?

If they react positively to my question, it means they will show interest in the project.

What is the age group of my audience?