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Sophie ____________________ eleven years old and she ____________________ in Brighton , England .
She usually ____________________ up at a quarter to eight , she ____________________ a shower and ____________________ dressed . After that , she ____________________ downstairs and has breakfast . For breakfast she usually has milk , toast and orange juice . Then she ____________________ her teeth because she ____________________ them white and healthy ! Then she ____________________ her school bag and ____________________ to the bus stop to catch the school bus . Classes ____________________ at half past eight and ____________________ at half past four . She usually has lunch at the school canteen with her schoolmates at about 12 o'clock . Her best friend is Amy and Sophie always ____________________ next to her at lunch . They usually ____________________ rice , soup , salad and meat . After school she ____________________ home and ____________________ her homework . She is a very hard - working pupil and she never ____________________ a school task ! After homework , she usually ____________________ to music and ____________________ television a bit .
At half past seven it is time for dinner . She eats a sandwich with strawberry juice . Then she usually ____________________ a book or ____________________ with her parents for a while .
Finally , she ____________________ to bed at about ten o'clock , but before that she ____________________ her teeth .