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As we know , ____________________ is a process where scientist use math and ____________________ to solve problems . The ____________________ ____________________ is a process that develop technology to meet a need . There are five steps : Identify a problem , ____________________ and ____________________ , test and improve , ____________________ , and communicate . Engineers also have problems when they are making the prototype , for example the materials they would use will have a high cost . There prototype has to pass the criteria before they sell for two consumers . ____________________ are devices that also help people nowadays . As technology , it also has bad things , it has risks and benefits . Risks are the bad things that technology brings , and benefits are all the things that help people - like watch the news , receive virtual classes , etc . The engineers who work with living things are called ____________________ , they work with technology and living things at the same time . Biotechnology is process that benefits human activity . Also ____________________ can replace parts of the human body , for example ____________________ ____________________ .