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____________________ : basic pelvic distortion ; structural model of subluxation and altered biomechanics

____________________ : SOT ; associated with flow of CSF through pumping actin of sacrum

____________________ : fixation theory ; spinal biomechanics ; hypomobility

____________________ : vertebra can only subluxate posteriorly , disc wedging ; hypomobility of joint

____________________ : father of Homeopathy

Hippocrates : father of modern medicine

Illi : hypermobility of a joint ; biomechanics of the pelvis

Janse : President of National College form 1940 - 1990 ; authored books on principles

____________________ : segmental facilitation theory ; spinal fixations cause adjacent spinal cord segments to become facilitated ( put in ready state ) ; muscle is central to his theory

____________________ : basic technique with sacrum as keystone of spine ; heel lifts

____________________ : flexion distraction techniques

Palmer , B . J . : developer of chiropractic ; ____________________ technique ; cord ____________________ theory ; meric chart ; major chiropractic researcher in the 1950's .

Palmer , D . D : founder of chiropractic ; first to use short lever ( using the spinous and transverse processes ) technique ; tone is the foundation that chiropractic is based upon ; nerve compression theory ; causes of subluxation are ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ ; innate intelligence ( homeostasis )

Hans Selve : General Adaptation Syndrome ( G . A . S . ) in regards to ____________________

Andrew Still : founder of ____________________ ; utilized circulatory system ; ____________________ lesion

Samuel ____________________ : named chiropracti c