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Myentaric plexus : ( ____________________ plexus )

In muscular layer of digestive tract for GI ____________________

____________________ plexus :

In the submucosa to promote secretions

Mouth :


Stomach :

Chief cells

1 . ____________________ in the presence of HCL becomes pepsin .

2 . Rennin clots ____________________

Parietal Cells :

Produce HCL and ____________________ factor

Gastrin :

Helps with ____________________ digestion

Duendenum :

Makes ____________________ , a hormone responsible for contraction of the gall bladder when fat is present .

Secretin : stimulates the flow of pancreatic juice and ____________________ gastric motility .

Pancreas :

Lipase , ____________________ , maltase - - the enzymes that break it down

Trypsinogen : activated by ____________________ in intestine

Trypsin and chymotrypsin split ____________________