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Back in the ____________________ people who were ____________________ with the King of France were given a special ____________________ before entering his ____________________ . On the tickets were rules written for appropriate behavior while in the King's company . The ____________________ word for ticket is ____________________ . In the English language we use the word ____________________ to describe behavior people should follow when in the company of ____________________ .

Rules of etiquette , or manners , are ____________________ for behavior around others . Eating is a ____________________ ____________________ activity so others will notice your ____________________ ____________________ very quickly . Table manners tell how ____________________ and ____________________ you are of others . Good table manners should be automatic and used ____________________ , not just when company comes . Careless habits such as ____________________ , grabbing food , placing ____________________ on the table , and speaking with your ____________________ ____________________ can spoil dining pleasure for others . Good habits are easy to use and make mealtimes a pleasant experience .