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Dear Thomas ,
I´m writing to tell you about my new house . It´s the ( 1 ) ____________________ ( big ) house I´ve ever lived in , but also the most expensive . Still , it´s much ( 2 ) ____________________ ( nice ) than my last house . Although the garden is small , the rooms are more ( 3 ) ____________________ ( space ) and there is much ( 4 ) ____________________ ( little ) noise . The area I live in now is the most ( 5 ) ____________________ ( peace ) place I have ever lived in . The ( 6 ) ____________________ ( neighbourhood ) are quieter here than anywhere else , and they are the ( 7 ) ____________________ ( friends ) people you will ever meet .
There are lots of flowers here , so it´s much more ( 8 ) ____________________ ( colour ) than my previous home , and there is a bus stop near my house , so it´s more ( 9 ) ____________________ ( convenience ) than before because I don´t have to take my car to work . All in all , I can say that finding this house is the ( 10 ) ____________________ ( good ) thing that´s ever happened to me ! I hope you will visit me here soon .
Love ,

Adapted from : Dooley , J . & Evans , V . ( 1999 ) . Grammarway 3 . Newbury : Express Publishin g