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Jouer Relier Colonnes

What kind of music did you use to listen to?

Where did your parents use to go to have some fun?

Who did you use go to the park with?

When did they use to take a trip?

What did you use to collect when you were 5?

Why did you use to take that blanket with you everywhere?

How did people use to travel before cars?

What did your grandma use to give you when you got a cold?

When did your sister use to have piano lessons?

Where did you use to go on a holiday?

I used to collect mountain rocks and coins.

They used to travel by horse and buggy.

They used to go to discoteques.

They used to take a trip on spring break.

We used to go with our friends Danna and Cindy.

I used to listen to rock and blues.

I used to take it because it was a special gift from my grandma.

My family and I used to go camping.

She used to have piano lessons on Wednesdays and Fridays.

She used to make me some chicken soup and fresh orange juice.