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Listen again to the part of the lecture. What does the professor imply when she says this?

How does the professor help the student?

Look at the four squares in paragraph 2 that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. An example of this release exercise. Where would the sentence best fit? ❏a ❏b ❏c ❏d

According to paragraph 1, all of the following sectors incorporate gender-inclusive language EXCEPT: ❏ Academia ❏ Commerce ❏ Government ❏ Technology

What can be inferred about X?

Dotting the marshy expanse of the Florida Everglades are little islands known locally as hummocks a) generally b) to all c) in that area d) occasionally

Why does the student go to see the professor?

Economic contact between Native Americans and Europeans can be traced back to the English and French fishermen off the coast of Canada in the 1500s. They traded guns and other weapons for beaver fur. The first explorers to trade with the Native Americans were Giovanni da Verrazano and Jacques Cartier in the 1520s and 1530s. 1.- The word 'They' in paragraph 3 refers to? a) English and French fishermen b) Beavers c) Europeans d) Traits and characteristics

How does the professor organize the information she presents to the class?

What is the professor’s attitude about X?

Complete the table below to summarize the information. Match the appropriate statement to the tribe with which is associated. a) Both males and females exhibited what are considered females characteristics b) Both males and females had typical male attributes. c) Children from this group took their mother’s surname rather than their fatheŕs. d) In this tribe, women were gentle and passive, and men were violent and aggressive. e) The behavior of men and women was the exact opposite of what might be expected, given traditional sex roles. f) This group would shun a person who behaved in a hostile manner. g) This tribe was known to cut off people’s heads

What is the lecture mainly about?

Paragraph 3 22.- bodily - physical 23.- difficulties - challenges 24.- life - energy 25.- topic - theme 26.- feels a connection - identifies

According to paragraph 1, what can be inferred about the possible result of a straight chiropractor not being able to correct a misalignment of the spinal cord? ❏ Innate intelligence ❏ Healing capacity ❏ Serious illness ❏ Blockage removal

According to paragraph 1, what is an example of the body’s innate intelligence? ❏ Its centrality in straight chiropractic medicine. ❏ Its ability to repair cuts and bruise. ❏ Its ability to develop into a human being from a sperm and an egg. ❏ Its capacity to correct spinal cord misalignments.

Which of the following suggestions does the professor make? For each suggestion, place a checkmark in the Yes or No column.

The author describes The Alchemist as one of the best-selling books of all time in paragraph 1 order to: ❏ add credibility to the novel ❏ emphasize the popularity of meaningful books. ❏ demonstrate that the author made money ❏ clarify that the fable is a popular literary genre.

The Alchemist is a fable that delivers wisdom and life lessons. a) person learns of his lifelong path in childhood. b) The alchemist is somewhat of a magician who has the ability to change the basic characteristics of an object. c) Central to finding happiness is the concept of the personal legend, which refers to your life purpose or path d) The climax of the story happens at the point where Santiago learns to access his inner power from the alchemist. e) Santiago goes on a personal quest and learns valuable lessons from the king, who represents God. f) The world language is a symbolic communication consisting of omens, luck, coincidence, and intuition.