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1 . In Greece both the landscape consisted of mountains and valleys and the ____________________ of the ancient temples are breathtaking .

2 . ____________________ is a very big industry in Hollywood and there are many talented artists who ____________________ or star in blockbuster films .

3 . ____________________ metal and ____________________ one can find by the sea , can be excellent material for various artcrafts .

4 . He put a great deal of ____________________ into his new art project and now he can proudly ____________________ his creations in public .

5 . He earned a lot of recognision after ____________________ the Guiness World Records .

6 . ____________________ ____________________ aren't the most comfortable shoes one can wear to go walking .

7 . She is very ____________________ when it comes to art . Lately she made a huge portrait using discarded ____________________ .

8 . They ____________________ a very convenient weather ____________________ which we can download on our mobile phones .

9 . Leonardo Da Vinci is the ____________________ of the Mona Lisa painting , which is ____________________ popular to art lovers around the world .

10 . ____________________ a statue is an extremely creative procedure .

11 . He ____________________ to do the ____________________ for the new magazine because he wouldn't ____________________ enough money .

12 . The activist tried to raise ____________________ regarding the world poverty issue .

13 . He was ____________________ from using the new company car because he had just passed his driving licence .

14 . If the temperature of the freezer is very low , the ice cream will ____________________ in a few minutes .

15 . You can use ____________________ or goose feather to fill your sofa pillows .

16 . Young children , ____________________ ____________________ , like playing all day .

17 . " Finding ____________________ of ____________________ gum under your desks is really disgusting " the school cleaner told us .

18 . The chemistry lab rules ____________________ to all students without ____________________ .

19 . A ____________________ can be used to melt metals , so that they can be joined together .