Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . Complete using am / is

Hi ! My name ____________________ Jack . My last name ____________________ Jones . I ____________________ thirteen years old . My birthday ____________________ on February 12 . I ____________________ in the seventh grade .

Hello ! My name ____________________ Monica Tapia . I ____________________ fourteen years old . My birthday ____________________ on January 13 . I ____________________ in the eighth grade .

2 . - Complete .

a ) What is her first name ? ____________________
b ) What is ____________________ ____________________ name ? Tapia
c ) What is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ? Jack
d ) What ____________________ his ____________________ name ? Jones
e ) How old is he ? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
f ) How old is ____________________ ? Fourteen ____________________ old
g ) ____________________ is ____________________ ____________________ ? On January ____________________
h ) When is his birthday ? On ____________________ ____________________
i ) What ____________________ is ____________________ ____________________ ? ____________________ grad e