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Last Saturday I went to a Chinese restaurant with my mum and dad . It was my 12th birthday . The food was great , but there was a problem . I couldn't eat it . I couldn't use the 1 ____________________ . I asked the waiter for a 2 ____________________ and fork , but he wasn't very happy .
Then everything went wrong . I put sugar on my rice and too much black 3 ____________________ on my chicken . It was really hot ! I had to ask for a 4 ____________________ of water . Then I put 5 ____________________ in my tea because it was white like the sugar ! I think my parents were angry but , because it was my birthday , they smiled and said 'Let's go home , Alex . '
At home , Mum gave me a big 6 ____________________ to eat my birthday chocolate cake with ! Dad says that for my birthday next year we'll stay at home .