He is very passionate about his work and his team.
She smiles, nods and laughs even in difficult situations.
He knows that sometimes things can be difficult and challenging at the office.
I am friendly, I like to eat lunch with my coworkers, listen about their family life and get to know them well.
She likes change, innovation and trying out new ideas.
I can control myself in the office even when I have very big personal problems at home.
I design the meetings in a way where I let other people talk and that way everyone is involved.
She decided to try with a new supplier even when the old supplier was a good option.
He recognizes that he is not perfect and that he learns every day from his team.
Each meeting and each activity is programmed so that people can organize their time better.
Time management skills
Social skills
Courage: Not being afraid of the barriers and problems
Effective communication skills.
Sense of humor
Love for your career.
Emotional skills
Open-minded and flexibility skills